Artificial intelligence does three things really well: acceleration, accuracy, and automation. Today’s machines are good at accomplishing tasks within these domains, but they aren’t yet capable of crossing them. They stay in their lane — the lane their human told them to stay in. As a result, we view machines as being better suited for “left-brain” tasks. But more and more, artificial intelligence is bridging into realms once considered uniquely human because they are right-brained.

According to my friend Christopher Penn, co-founder of TrustInsights and author of AI for Marketers, there will be two types of marketing jobs in the future: Either you will manage the machines, or the machines will manage you. This includes creative tasks, which were once considered a no-go zone for AI.

In creative disciplines, much of the work is procedural. If you’ve ever set up a social media ad campaign, you know this. If you’ve ever written headlines or email subject lines, you know this. To the extent creative work can be templated, it’s up for AI grabs.

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