CISCO: Mundo hiperconectado

CISCO: Mundo hiperconectado

Nuestro mundo hiperconectado ¿Te has dado cuenta de la cantidad de dispositivos inteligentes que puedes llegar a tener conectados a la red de tu hogar? El otro día me detuve a pensar en todas las posibilidades:  Sistemas de sonido, iluminación, termostatos, autos,...
CISCO: AI is more creative than you think

CISCO: AI is more creative than you think

Artificial intelligence does three things really well: acceleration, accuracy, and automation. Today’s machines are good at accomplishing tasks within these domains, but they aren’t yet capable of crossing them. They stay in their lane — the lane their human told them...
Anixter: preparándose para 5G

Anixter: preparándose para 5G

Prepárese para 5G con una solución de celda pequeña para interiores Lo ha estado escuchando durante meses: 5G está llegando. Pero saber que 5G es la próxima novedad en la tecnología inalámbrica no es suficiente. Mientras tanto, debe tomar medidas para asegurarse de...
Network Infrastructure—How is it Impacted by COVID-19?

Network Infrastructure—How is it Impacted by COVID-19?

If connectivity wasn’t already increasing at a rapid pace, then the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred even faster growth. The examples below are just a few of the seismic shifts occurring in communication, interaction and collaboration over the past few weeks: Click aquí...